Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How can so many media heads and government officials be involved in 911 and get away with it.?

The FBI, NRO, Norad, and Etc. had a hand in 911. Its a fact! The national media covered it up using fake videos and various reporters as "witnesses" as the "planes" hit the towers. So many had to be involved in such a massive cover up and yet no one comes out and says they did it or had a hand in it. How can so many lie and cover up the murder of 3000 of our people that day? It can be proven in front of a grand jury and then you can get a jury of 50000 people if you want to and the case can be proven that 911 was a false flag operation. It worked. 200 million people belive what the media told them that day. The smoke and mirrors worked. It just amazes me as to what it took to pull off such an event and yet no one seems to be willing to stand up for right in this country any more. Maybe they are trying but being black balled from spreading any information by the media enterprise. I have no idea. Its been 10 years and we are no closer to justice than we were ten years ago.

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